Bruce Rastetter has applied to build a 4,999 head factory farm about 2 miles North of Williams. This factory farm alone will add 1,642,172 gallons of manure into our watershed.
Hamilton County already has 212 medium or large factory farms.
Enough is enough.
Agribusiness corporations like Summit Farms get the profits—we get the pollution.
Factory farms lower our property values, kick independent family farmers out of business, pollute our water and air, and tear our communities apart.
Our air, water, and communities are more important than Bruce Rastetter’s profits.
Take Action Now!!!!
- Send an email to the Hamilton County Supervisors asking them to take points off the Master Matrix.
- Join us on Tuesday, March 6 @ 6:00 pm at the Williams Fire Station on Locust Street for a community planning meeting.
When we stand together, organize, and fight back against greedy proposal like these, we win.
Click the link below to read CCI’s full objections to the Rastetter – Williams 15 factory farm application.
Rastetter Objection+cover letter+enclosures
The post Stop Bruce Rastetter’s Factory Farm in Hamilton County!! appeared first on Iowa CCI.